back with one of our fave events C.H.O.C

Champagne wishes from tonight's Event 🥂🥂🥂🍾🍾🍾 Tonight's booking at The House of Blues has been in the works since April! Tonight's Special VIP event for C.H.O.C is not only an important repeat Client of ours, their Event will be raising funds for Children's Hospital (C.H.O.C) which was the very first of my volunteer locations I performed for as a Madonna lookalike many years ago and I will never forget that We love to be able to customize, brand and create our entertainment to cater each and every Client- as we take that much pride in every job we do! Here is to tonight! and all the wonderful people who will be there to celebrate with Mrs. Bella's Dolls to raise funds for such an important cause!! #CHOC #wecare #helpingkids #wesupportCHOC #wesupporthelping #helpothers #welovetogive #Fundraiser #mrsbellasdolls #mardigrastheme #champagnedolls #girlinglass #strollingchampagnedress #showgirls #dancers #feathers #models #mardigras #houseofblues #champagneskirt #champagnedress #booking #repeatclient #customcostumes #branding #custombrandedtrays #Giantglass #girlinglass